What is ISO 9001 2008?
ISO 9001 is an
international quality management standard. It is rapidly becoming the most
popular quality standard in the world. Thousands of organizations in over 100 countries have adopted it, and many more are in the process of doing so.
Because it
controls quality. It
saves money. Customers expect it. And competitors use it.
9001 applies to all types of organizations. It doesn't matter what size they are or what they
do. It can help both product and service oriented organizations
achieve standards of quality that are recognized and
respected throughout the world.
is the International Organization for
Standardization. It is located in Switzerland and was
established in 1947 to develop common international standards in many areas.
Its members
come from over 150 national standards bodies. ISO's purpose is to
facilitate international trade by providing a single set of standards
that people everywhere would recognize and respect.
Why is ISO 9001 2008 Important?
ISO 9001 is important because of its orientation. While the
content itself is useful and important, the content alone
does not account for its widespread appeal.
ISO 9001 is important because of its international orientation. Currently,
ISO 9001 is supported by national standards bodies from more than 150
countries. This makes it the logical choice for any organization that does
business internationally or that serves customers who demand
an international standard of excellence.
ISO 9001 is also important because of its systemic orientation. We think
this is crucial. Many people wrongly emphasize motivational and attitudinal
factors. The assumption is that quality can only be created if workers are
motivated and have the right attitude. This is fine, but it doesn't go far
enough. Unless you institutionalize the right attitude by supporting it with
the right policies, procedures, records, technologies, resources, and
structures, you will never achieve the standards of quality that other
organizations seem to be able to achieve. Unless you establish a quality
attitude by creating a quality management system, you will never
achieve a world-class standard of quality.
Finally, ensure you have a right partner which had been ISO 9001:2008 certified and we have it to ensure customer satistaction.
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